When I had a chance to travel to Kenya I knew that I wanted to find a way to give back to the communities what I had been afforded to experience.
One day I learnt of the disparities that the young girls and women experienced when they had their monthly cycles or periods as we refer to them in the US. For many, life is literally interrupted at that time of the month.
- Women and young girls miss school or work and are often victims of shaming if their clothing gets soiled or they are unable to properly care for themselves while having their menstrual cycle.
- I immediately took action, partnered with one of Kenya’s amazing women, Soyum Shah and created The THRIVE-I Am Enough Package.
- The package includes: a year’s supply of Sanitary napkins, 1 Menstrual cup, Literature for proper use of items, panties, soap, Vaseline, a face mask, an African comb, and an empowering message from me.
- T.H.R.I.V.E. stands for Teach, Help, Renew, Inspire, Value and Empower.
I wanted the women and young girls to know how much they were truly valued and help with the education of valuing self-care. As a young girl, I knew what it was like to have to go without, so I wanted to help in some way. Now women all over the United States donate to the cause and together we are changing the way young girls and women in Nairobi can THRIVE!