Dr. Traci S Ward

International Speaker | Global Ambassador | Author | Trainer | Coach

Transformed Lives


Years of experience



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Quote: "Nothing has transformed my life more than realizing it is a waste of time to evaluate my worthiness by weighing the reactions of the people in the stands."
~Dr. Brene Brown


My mission is to empower and equip women and young by helping them discover the highest and best version of themselves.


To see fully empowered women and young girls confidently bringing their gifts, skills and talents to their families communities and country in the world.

As a young girl, growing up in low-income housing in the United States I did not understand that I was valuable.

I was raised by a single mom, and I did not know my father. I often felt unloved and unwanted most of my younger years. I learned by surprise that my mom gave birth to me while she was in prison. This added to the stigma of the eroding image of my self-worth.

Looking for love in all the wrong places, I became the single mom of three children at a young age. Life was very difficult, and I spent many of my adult years living life day by day with no real purpose.

My children were my world and I strived to be the best mom I could be. Still, because I didn’t know who I was, I was existing but not living! Somehow, I always knew there was more for me; I just had no idea what and where to begin looking for it.

  • As I got a little older I began to realize that not only did I have tremendous value, but that I was enough!
  • I did work on my mindset and made the mental shift that changed my life!
  • What I discovered was that there were lots of people who needed to hear my story and my message of CHANGE and now I travel the world (Dubai, London, Guyana, Bahrain, Africa, to name a few) letting women and girls know that they too are enough.
  • You see, it doesn’t matter where you come from or how humble your beginnings may have been. You are special! In fact you are a smart and beautifully made masterpiece!

“I changed my thinking and that changed my life.” ~ Dr. Traci Ward

Dr. Traci Ward has traveled to and trained in several countries that include London, Kenya, Dubai, Bahrain and Guyana.

She has worked with groups both large and small strategically focusing on women and young girls. Her knowledge and skill-set come from her personal experiences, classroom knowledge as well as her time working as the Equal-Opportunity Officer for the State of Kansas Department of Transportation.

After a thorough review of her work history, volunteer projects and personal initiatives, Dr. Ward was appointed World Civility Ambassador in 2019. This appointment only added fuel to her fire as she then intensified the development of her international initiative, Reset – The New Transition. She is known as the “Reset Transition Expert”. Her initiative is used to empower individuals around the world and restore those who have suffered from circumstances that have left them feeling hopeless, worthless and unworthy of love.

By implementing the tools and strategies contained within her work, Dr. Ward helps others create the mind shifts that make way for lasting change and paves the way for others to begin to experience balance, achieve success and move forward. Her goal is to see all of her clients achieve their greatest quality of living.

Dr. Ward is the founder and creator of the international book Anthrology, “Chronicles of the Chosen”. This endeavor is used to showcase “everyday people” with incredible real-life stories. This series highlights how the co-authors were able to withstand obstacles and setbacks against all odds and how anyone can live an amazing life and declare they were Chosen! This platform has created extraordinary first-time authors from around the world.

In keeping with her life’s mission, Dr. Ward travels the globe sharing her universal message on the power of a mindset shift and what can happen when you break the chains of limiting beliefs and decide to live life by design. As a founding member of the internationally known Black Belt Speakers training organization, she is impacting lives in the US and abroad!

  • Dr. Ward has received international recognition for her work and commitment to others. She is a recipient of the IChange Nations Statesman Leadership award and received the Dr. Astell Collins Global Inspiration Award while serving as a U.S. Delegate during a trip to Guyana.
  • Dr. Ward was awarded her Honorary Doctorate from Kayiwa International University located in Kampala, Uganda
  • She has 3 Children and 4 grandchildren. Her hope is to inspire them to realize that anything is possible with belief, hard work and determination.

When I had a chance to travel to Kenya I knew that I wanted to find a way to give back to the communities what I had been afforded to experience.

One day I learnt of the disparities that the young girls and women experienced when they had their monthly cycles or periods as we refer to them in the US. For many, life is literally interrupted at that time of the month.

  • Women and young girls miss school or work and are often victims of shaming if their clothing gets soiled or they are unable to properly care for themselves while having their menstrual cycle.
  • I immediately took action, partnered with one of Kenya’s amazing women, Soyum Shah and created The THRIVE-I Am Enough Package.
  • The package includes: a year’s supply of Sanitary napkins, 1 Menstrual cup, Literature for proper use of items, panties, soap, Vaseline, a face mask, an African comb, and an empowering message from me.
  • T.H.R.I.V.E. stands for Teach, Help, Renew, Inspire, Value and Empower.

I wanted the women and young girls to know how much they were truly valued and help with the education of valuing self-care. As a young girl, I knew what it was like to have to go without, so I wanted to help in some way. Now women all over the United States donate to the cause and together we are changing the way young girls and women in Nairobi can THRIVE!


Check our Services

Women’s Empowerment Coaching

My Purpose is to help women and young girls break through and discover the truest version of themselves. To dispel the myths that have been told to us, and believed by many of us. I have developed principles to help you unlock truths.

My program is designed to help you move forward with a positive image of yourself by clearly defining your life priorities and taking the steps to achieve goals based on your life priorities.

Understanding, in spite of all you have endured, You ARE an overcomer and after working with me you will make declaration, “I Am ENOUGH”.

Trainings and Workshops

Having conducted trainings and workshops around the world - London, Kenya, and Guyana to name a few,Dr. Traci is fulfilling her calling by helping women and young girls embrace their true authenticity, discover their life priorities and how to structure their lives around those priorities.

Through personal or group coaching, workshops and trainings, Traci helps women by using, goal setting techniques, demonstrations, activitiesunderstanding the value of accountability and seeing the benefits in the power of time management. Through self- development. Traci helps women solve problems such as, “being busy but not effective.”

Carlenia Springer

Audience Participant

“Traci has an innate ability to create an energetic zone of healing where women of all ages are able to immediately access their core pain and begin the healing process. Her loving presence gently dismantles walls years in the making. I am a spiritual teacher and healer who has engaged in years of personal healing. I was taken by surprise at how quickly, in Traci's Forgiveness Program (i forgot the name of it), I tapped into a place of vulnerability that led me to tell a part of my story never shared publicly. This experience has freed me to go deeper with those I serve. Traci is a master at opening closed hearts and revealing the magnitude of love held within. Her presence and process is a healing balm to all willing to enter the sacred space of "I Am Enough".

Veronica Byrd

International Speaker | Topeka, KS-USA

“Traci Ward has flourished into an author, trainer, personal assistant, international speaker, mentor, leader, team member and she has earned the distinguished title of Dr. Traci Ward. Her heart for the people has only grown with the increased responsibility of her life experiences. I love her motto 'I am enough'. It resonates so clearly in the minds of many of us who have struggled to live up to our own expectations as to what we deserve and what we are capable of.

If you ever get a chance to hear her speak you will soon realize that she is like The Quiet Storm, and she leaves no stone unturned. One of my favorite presentations I have heard from her is 'Chosen'! I witnessed the women in Dubai flock to her after she left the stage. They were crying and confessing they too could relate to her story. If you are able to move a crowd in another country where English is not their first language, I would say she definitely understands her assignment.

"God Chooses Who He Uses", and Dr. Traci Ward is undoubtedly 'Chosen'!

Dr. Ruben M West

World Civility Ambassador, Global Speaker/Trainer

“Dr. Traci ward possesses a quiet power that is maximized by her honesty, integrity and transparency. I have referred many clients her way and they return with thanks for me and praise for her. Her life experiences and humble beginnings fuel her desire to help other women and young girls overcome life obstacles and challenges. Dr. Ward is an asset to individuals and organizations alike."

Jean Caggiano

Training Attendee

“Determine what it is you want and go get it!!!" Dr. Traci Ward is a phenomenal speaker; speaking with comapssion, transparency and a genuine heart. Dr. T shares her life struggles and triumphs connecting with the audience. Speaking from the perspective of a mother, Dr. Traci shared her story of "going for broke" when she had been told by the "professionals" there is no hope. This touching story captivated my attention, briefly allowing me time to reflect on my own struggles as a parent, then inspired action to determine what I want and go get it, echoing "You are enough"; empowering words to genuinely transform the way one thinks and acts.

Cheryl L. Peterson

Training Attendee

“The Forgiveness Experience was one of the most rewarding training I’ve attended. The four part program was very inspirational, thought provoking, interactive and participatory. Your in-depth knowledge, and personal experience really gave me new insight on introspective work on forgiveness. As I delved deeper into my subconscious to find the source of my painful and negative experiences, I began to realize how these feelings subconsciously sabotaged my happiness.

Identifying and working through these experiences was difficult, yet quite revealing – comparatively like peeling away layers of an onion - each revealing feelings that were suppressed for years. I learned how people’s behavior toward me mirrored my innermost feelings about myself. I have already started to use some of the strategies and tools you gave me to use and they are working quite well. I came away from the workshop with a sense of confidence that empowered me to standup for myself, and witness the change in people’s attitude toward me. Thank you for the wonderful training and new skills I now have. You have inspired me and given me the tools to work through life’s experiences and challenges. You are truly inspirational. Keep up the great work!


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I Am Enough and So Are You Book

$ 15

Live Your BEST Life: Stories of Triumph

$ 15

Chronicles of the Chosen: Living Life By Design (Anthology)

$ 15

Chronicles of the Chosen: We’re Still Standing (Anthology)

$ 15

The Forgiveness Experience FOR HER Workbook

$ 25

The Forgiveness Experience FOR HIM Workbook

$ 25

I Am Enough T-Shirt

$ 20

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